In terms of the Securities Market Law (Ley del Mercado de Valores), the shareholder Mr. Sergio Leal Aguirre, Chairman and CEO of Vinte, co-founder of the Company, exerts significant influence over the Company, as he individually holds more than 20% of the shares representing the Company’s capital stock. At the same time, no shareholder or group of persons exercises control or power of command of the Company.

In the last three years, the percentage of ownership held by the Company's Main Shareholders has not presented significant changes.

The following is a diagram showing Vinte’s shareholding structure:

*Board Members and Directors with a stake of more than 1%

The subscribed and paid capital stock of Vinte, after the Global Offering, is represented by 216,425,413 shares of a single series, ordinary, nominative and without expression of par value, of which 200,000 represent the minimum fixed capital and the remaining, 216,225,413 shares, represent the variable part.

All Vinte’s shares are not subject to ownership subscription limitations and can be issued in favor of, and subscribed and paid for, by Mexican and foreign investors. Additionally, each share entitles its holder to the same patrimonial and voting rights at the General Shareholders’ Meetings.